Eve online hypernet calculator. 5M, S =. Eve online hypernet calculator

5M, S =Eve online hypernet calculator " Many dedicated players use spreadsheets to keep track of data like profit margins and to calculate fleet damage output

EVE Technology and Research Center. Diese Gebühr wird nur dann fällig, wenn das Angebot mit dem Verkauf aller HyperNodes erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde und wird automatisch von der Angebotsauszahlung abgezogen. Citation: the house edge is based on percentages, not absolute values. In this vid. 😂. Average age for eve players is around 34 and im sick of people demanding the game to be designed around what they think is correct… let people scam and gamble its super backwards logic to be angry. Communications Center General Discussion. The rarest of the Quafe haulers is now on the Hypernet! 165 /512 Tickets left. EVE Online Forums Raiju hypernet. If you need the price of materials, use “evepraisal” and “evemarketeer”. Relay aims to answer frequent requests for the return of raffle activities that were once hugely popular in the EVE community. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Brewlar_Kuvakei (Brewlar Kuvakei) January 14, 2020, 10:42pm 22 (8/6)^6= 4096/729 odds you would lose 6 straight auctions where you owned 6/8 tickets. Best HyperNet Offer Return - The most valuable item placed by a character on the HyperNet Relay, calculates as the number of tickets. On Tuesday, the day the Hypernet patch goes live, at around 19:00 eve time, the Raven State Issue will enter the Hypernet and tickets will be available. official, devblog. I do notice that HyperNet. Unfortunately they've completely broken the most profitable aspect of the hypernet, with 2 changes. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. This percentage can be reduced down to 3. . Fill in. Player agency and the free exchange of items are at the core of EVE’s market, which itself is the beating heart of New Eden. Only, they are sly. Yes I understand alts can still buy them and im fine with that, plus A) it limits to the speed at which people can bulk buy so if i link a. Loyalty Point Calculator. But from Korean overtake it goes from bad to worse. Hypernet is just lame. Relay aims to answer frequent requests for the return of raffle activities that were once hugely popular in the EVE community. its not real though its still in game stuff and if ccp got a net and even though everyone here loves eve we got to admit its a prity nerdy game and can you see the average. NeRD-T Profit Margin Ships LP Conversion Fuel Cells Basic Construction hyperNet Relay. 6% through the "Accounting" skill. official, devblog. And I have already tried it. Algathas (Algathas) November 28, 2019, 6:43pm 1366. Ms_Steak (Ms Steak) November 27, 2019, 4:29pm. should be used with it for it to be able to do what the player wants it to, and to the act of then actually assembling a ship hull and placing the above-mentioned items in it so that the ship becomes ready to be undocked and. It was more than hinted at - it was blatantly said. Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: hypernet relay needs a incentive in the system to make the return rate better for the player , so the game can be durable and fun BTW return rate and volatility are different , if a slot charge 1 dollar per run, and have a jackpot that have 1/1000 change to pay, but wen it pays it pays 1000 dollars , well its a fair game but volatile since you. official,. That list misses emotional intelligence. VIRUS_IOI (VIRUS IOI) November 28, 2019, 2:48pm 1264. Greetings, We have just announced a new feature: HyperNet Relay that is available for testing on Singularity right now and will be deployed to live servers on December 10. the house is the player posting the hypernet. A typical Hypernet offer link will take you to a ship you can buy up to 8 nodes (raffle tickets) for about one third the cost of the ship in the market. Demo for Eve Online Market Management. After the HyperNet offer expired, my items simply not returned to the hangar, is there anyone else has the same issue? 1 Like. If you see a hypernet offer with 4 tickets, and 3 are purchased by the same person who made the offer, you know your odds and their odds, and its your choice whether or not to buy the tickets. It’s like a casino built into eve. If you encounter issues with this version please join our Discord-server and give your feedback in #feedback-search-engine channel! Stable search Beta search Filter Search (through fits, ships and tags). By “hard work” I’ve been referring to physical work. Just because you won’t does not mean others will, remember bittervets are getting replaced in terms of sheer numbers by new players. Hypernet Inc. EVE Online Forums INTRODUCING THE HYPERNET RELAY VOTE 🚨. The Hypernet will never be able to offer a good deal. As a seller, you’d only need to be able to afford 10M, or 10% of the total raffle value. Coût du relais Hypernet : 5 % de la valeur de l'offre. An additional cost and waiting period. EVE HYPERNET: REAL LIFE $$$ —> PLEX/ISK —> GAMBLE —> WIN SKINS/EXTRACTORS/INJECTORS (MONETARY VALUE ON CCP WEBSITE) not relevant at all…as long as you cannot win real $ All of this you also can buy ingame… Relevant because people win things of monetary value. The guy setting up the hypernet has a 50% chance of losing his Nyx and the ISK for the tickets he paid for. I don’t know about English law but i guess soon they will make rework of gambling laws in France it seems. Distaine (Distaine) July 2, 2023, 11:07pm 67. and your face! HA! 1 Like. Yeah. Some of the issues I've found with the relay is CCP's advertising of the price. But now during the day its only advertising for Hypernet offers. You can win a car at a casino which has monetary value and you can wins skins on hypernet which have monetary value. It was included that day in the list of known issues in the patch. The HyperNet Relay is an enjoyable new method of selling items where. Gambling is not really my thing, neither is hunting for sales. Sales Ads. Be in with the chance of winning this limited edition, never to be re-released and rare item. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Not at all my little salt shaker. Please use this thread for any questions or… I have not bothered to post anything on the forums for almost a decade, but for this I must say I am am severely. Greetings, We have just announced a new feature: HyperNet Relay that is available for testing on Singularity right now and will be deployed to live servers on December 10. As with Shareable Bookmarks – a highly requested feature that has now been delivered – the HyperNet Relay aims to answer frequent requests for. Get your Omega codes here. New Citizens Q&A. Personally I bought a ticket once, just to try it out. An Astrahus with a cloning center consumes about 120-130m worth of fuel per month. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. EVE Online Forums Vendetta Hypernet Offer. The old, “If my kid can’t bring peanut butter to school, your kid can’t bring. Build Time. Un jug,ador pone como recompensa el objeto que desea. EVE Online can now be played entirely for free as an Alpha Clone! The Alpha Clone state is the default for players who are trying EVE for free or for those whose subscriptions have elapsed. This HyperCore represents a defined quantity of Quantum Entangled 4-Helium that will be used to establish, encrypt and synchronize pairs of HyperNodes on the HyperNet Relay. There needs to be a Hypernet channel here. Good luck! Pedro_Sanchez_Jr (Pedro Sanchez Jr) January 23, 2023, 6:18am 2. Today there is great excitement in introducing an entertaining new trade network coming to EVE Online called the HyperNet Relay, available for you to try out on the Singularity test server right now. . You can submit a ticket ( click here or hit F12 in-game and click “Go to Help Center”) and under the Game Play Support -> Game Play -> General Questions category request in the Description field that the HyperNet is deactivated in. EVE. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Nindae (Nindae) December 10, 2019, 8:00pm 123. The players aren’t even violating the law here either. Fifteen months ago CCP introduced a raffle system into EVE called the HyperNet Relay. Hypernet Revision [ Extensions ] EVE Technology and Research Center Player Features & Ideas. MY MATH WAS WRONG at 7:50-9:45, you only need to win ONCE in order to make profit off the hypernet relay if you are a seller. Right click the BPC and select "Find in Contracts", make sure you have the global setting on for all regions. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Returning Player's Opinion: HyperNet Disappointment. Prometheus Faction Fortizar ! Rare! Getting fewer and inflating every time one goes boom !, they currently sell for 76-86 Billion in Jita! and this is listed on Hypernet for 93 Bil! steal in the Hypernet World ! 181 Mil nodes ! some one will get this for a good deal ! the owner (me) not buying up half the nodes to steal it back, just want her to go to a good. Greetings, We have just announced a new feature: HyperNet Relay that is available for testing on Singularity right now and will be deployed to live servers on December 10. The necessaryness of the funtion is aditional to the roll. CCP Games acts as half of The House. Links to chat channels Links to contracts Links to hypernet Links to external websites Spam? poof, gone. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. EVE Online Forums Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Today there is great excitement in introducing an entertaining new trade network coming to EVE Online called the HyperNet Relay, available for you to try out on the Singularity test server right now. official, devblog. 000 plex a month. EVE Information Portal. . The_Relevant_Revenant (The Relevant Revenant) November 30, 2019, 9:48pm 1836. Brisc_Rubal (Brisc Rubal) November 27, 2019, 4:09pm 125. Please use this thread for any questions or… yes CCP is well run monicalgate. Dev Blogs. Hey folks, today we are going to be looking at Eve Online Hypernet relay the in game way to win/lose items implemented by CCP several months ago. Green offers aren’t even guaranteed to be a. Third Party Developers. Most of the functionality you’d ever want in EVE already exists as third party tools on the net. 5bil in the bank…I calculated that some 1bil tickets on 50% chance nets me 600mil profit…calculated once, twice, three times, four times…by the fourth I realized my…EVE Online Forums Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Making most hypernet offers, even legit ones, scams in themselves as the seller is making huge margins of profits if they sell either partially or in whole. Rhivre (Rhivre) November 30, 2019, 9:59am 1773. feedback, official, release. Dev Blogs. Cpt_Dealman (Cpt Dealman) April 4, 2022, 6:43pm 1. Other BPCs can drop from various sources, or be purchased from. I reset the client, i searched throughout my entire Personal Assets tabs, and the items are not showing up. HyperNet-Relais-Gebühr: 5% des Angebotswerts. A guy puts up a nyx, and buys half of the hypernet offers – then he wins his nyx and keeps all of the isk from everybody else. To be considered as money gambling in France, 3. Player Features & Ideas. Marketplace. This is totally subjective. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Geography. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Instead, Functioning stock market, with shares, to be. On Hypernet, you can sell TICKETS to WIN your 1 billion ISK item for 1 million ISK each. EVE Information Portal. devblog, official. If you encounter issues with this version please join our Discord-server and give your feedback in #feedback-search-engine channel! Stable search Beta search Filter Search (through fits, ships and tags). what…slippery slopes were fun back in the day we used to slide on em and get all wet and wild, now you say its a bad thing. Charles_Dupont_II (Charles Dupont II) June 25, 2022, 9:27pm 1. Ikserak_tai: Local in market hubs and some nearby systems is officially dead. As of Dec 10th, 2019, eve introduced the new gambling in-game mechanism known as HyperNet. Ces frais sont à régler si l'offre aboutit (vente de tous les Hyper nœuds) et ils seront automatiquement déduits du prix. Demo for Eve Online Market Management. . SHIP BONUSES. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. It will allow EVE Online player to sell items in-game, including items that can’t be placed onto the market. official, devblog. I’m a returning player, been a player on and off since 2008 and I gotta say - while I was excited to come back, I believe this to be the all-time lowest I’ve ever seen EVE at and honestly, it’s. D) Remap for Willpower. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Profit isk/hr (Normalized to 24 hours)For people against the Hypernet Relay, how do you feel about Eve Vegas being replaced with San Diego? Mizhara_Del_thul (Mizhara Del'thul) December 1, 2019, 2:33pm 1917. its a math game, you need only buy 51%* of your own tickets, on an alt = profit in the long long run. I will change the title every 10-15 Minutes. Introducing the HyperNet Relay | EVE Online. They don’t compute the actual odds of The Gamble. Actually, fixing the game itself instead of creating drama with the gambling or the BO for that matter will create more cash for them because more players will want to play. Sales Tax. Minmatar Core Systems. Come join our. The HyperNet Relay: A Year in Review. Roflmfao!!! Marsha_Mallow (Marsha Mallow) November 28, 2019, 2:14am 982. No big surprise here, the HyperNet Relay is chaulked full of scammers. Now they will need to spend 80 isk on hypercores (~5%), then they buy half their own tickets for 800 isk. For example, if the tax rate is 5%, then (R/1-R) = 5. (2) Or give us players a button to prevent,: seeing ‘Hypernet. Remove this whole hypercore idea, and let people directly use plex to start the hypernet offer. It’s a system entirely and utterly designed in favour of scammers because CCP knows that is where. Marketplace. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Hypernet has isn’t a scam it’s an RNG game. Blade_Darth (Blade Darth) December 2, 2019, 1:31am 1936 <<<< contract stuff. Dev Blogs. The biggest misconception about HyperNet is that local spam gets to define what Hypernet is and thats simply the worse there is and doesnt represent hypernet as a whole. Dev Blogs. getting stuff below market value. Voting for the Rajasthan Assembly Election 2023 is all set to take place on Saturday, November 23. Companies are already figuring out how to worm around the “loot box” issue and this is a prime example. So it’s up to you to calculate whether that particular chance of an item is worth it to you. Come join our channel and check out our unique hyper promoting service. I was wondering, is it possible to create several alts, feed them ISK and then use those alts to make the appearance of a high valued item on the Hyper Net seem like the item has a lot of. If someone stole from me to pay for gambling I would blame the thief not the casino or government. I’m just wondering if there are issues with Hypernets completing. This is based on a new search engine in EVE Workbench. However this is a terrible idea as you will lose a substantial amount of the profit by paying the full double sales tax for only a fraction of the payout that you anticipated. Good morning, afternoon, and evening, We are pleased to announce a new Hypernet Channel in Eve online! The Hyper Nexus launching today! We have partnered with RooNet to sponsor a three carrier giveaway tonight. Read more about it here. In this vid. EVE Information Portal. You can find it by searching the hul on the hypernet or in the chat channel: The Hyper Lounge. As with Shareable Bookmarks – a highly requested feature that has now been delivered – the HyperNet Relay aims to answer frequent requests for the return of raffle activities that were once hugely popular in the EVE community. HyperNet Relay is an entertaining new trade network coming to EVE Online! Specifically see - How Hypernet Relay works. No big surprise here, the HyperNet Relay is chaulked full of scammers. EVE Online ForumsIntroducing the HyperNet Relay. devblog, official. Jeff Bezos spending $10k on EVE would be a better financial decision than you not bothering to reach down and pick up a penny as you walk by. official, devblog. The HyperNet Relay was announced at the end of November, on the same day that it was pushed onto the EVE Online test server. its a math game, you need only buy 51%* of your own tickets, on an alt = profit in the long long run. Armtoe Domain Research and Mining Inst. EvE online 2021== EvE online скачать и получи 1. 1 hypercore seems to be good until about 10. EDIT: Hypercore raised again a 3rd time. 0utlawed (0utlawed) May 24, 2023, 6:14am 1. Sorteo: OBTEN ICONOS PERSONALIZADOS HACIENDOTE MIEMBRO POR 1 DOLAR. All artwork,. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Today there is great excitement in introducing an entertaining new trade network coming to EVE Online called the HyperNet Relay, available for you to try out on. Job Material Cost. Perhaps you missed the part where starting a lottery requires buying an item from the F2P cash shop using real-world. 0 coins. Tech 2 items are now ordinarily created as blueprint copies by the process called ‘invention’. Are you guys really surprised? CCP has an Ex EA member of staff at the helm of decisions and Pearl Abyss. Just use “Lazy Blacksmith”. official, devblog. They will be automatically deducted from the sales transaction and start at 8% of the sales price. I feel more and more moneymongering than love for the game from CCP. ; Eve Fleet Simulator - Simulate fleet PvP and compare/analyse fits and hulls. Support my channel by becoming a member G. The HyperNet Relay is an enjoyable new method of selling items where almost anything can be traded at any time. Dev Blogs. the minimum age for gambling in most jurisdictions is 18. Out of the various sites including most would consider legit and well regulated sites, A standard non-Faction Titan costs about $500 - $1200 USD if you took the risk to buy it that way fully fitted. . I was simply referring to the fact that most people tend to work more (harder) instead of working less, but with better income (smarter). 6 million. Well if we don’t use the feature, then I think it will get removed. Une fois l'offre Hypernet finalisée, elle ne peut plus être annulée ou retirée. 9% scams. EVE Online Forums Returning Player's Opinion: HyperNet Disappointment. in the uk eve is a pegi 12 game, so 12 yr olds could be exsposed to. They are the ones that create the gambling game. Borbarad_Naglfar (Borbarad Naglfar) November 28, 2019, 12:55pm 1244. Green offers aren’t even guaranteed to be a. For me, convincing someone to pay for chance is a con. @Nana_Skalski children don’t play this game, they are far too busy killing each other in Call of Duty and buying NFTs on Counter Strike. Hello guys, I am George. The ones that clearly show that raffling in-game digital assets like EVE Online’s ships, modules, etc. Marketplace. Your move. - Just released: EVE Guides Discord, full detailed guides for every activity in every space, in one place, Great resource for every corp/player! check it out! THERE IS A LOT MORE ON THE. In a theoretical hypernet offer of a 5,000,000 isk item with 10 tickets for 1,000,000 isk each: The expected value of a ticket is the value of the item you’ll win multiplied by your chance of winning that item. The HyperNet Relay feature has arrived in EVE Online! It's a new trade network allowing players to trade almost any item at any time, from anywhere and by anyone. HyperNet Botting. Gambling in video games is always a thing and HyperNet is a really good implementation because it is player-generated and relatively less evil than other potential manifestations. Play the world's #1 space MMO today! The add-in can be downloaded from Microsoft Store accessed directly through Excel. I don’t see where in-game digital assets being raffled in the Hypernet qualify as “money” or “money’s worth” or “winnings of money”. 2 hypercores is good until about 16. A larger amount of nodes with a Lower price/node means someone can get into your hypernet cheaper, less nodes means that a given node has. Item Unit Price. Step 2: all final total prices are entered in thousands of ISK. I do feel grateful to have it. But I also want to share. So scam as. CCP Games. Ghengis_Tia (Ghengis Tia) December 23, 2019, 9:21pm 1. Only the person setting up the raffle must use a microtransaction by purchasing the Hypercores. C) Sell your character. Chat channels dedicated to HyperNet are probably the best way to advertise your offers right now because of the constant spam fest. A Korean company known for micro transactions and shady decision making in BDO. ; GESI - Google Sheets script to interact with ESI. Hi, I want to use HyperNet as an in-game way to do giveaways, but i cant in its current state. I wasn’t there for Eve London but. The skins have monetary value because they are only available from CCP for $$$. The second most misunderstood thing is why so many people buy half the nodes. Green offers aren’t even guaranteed to be a. The HyperNet Relay fee reduction is also now live! The fee has temporarily been reduced from 5% to 0%, but only until 11:00 UTC on 4 June! It’ll be cheaper to put your items up for sale on the HyperNet Relay during this time, so don’t miss the opportunity to save some ISK. official, devblog. By blocking the spammers you could miss out on some great deals. Gerard_Amatin (Gerard Amatin) February 6, 2022, 7:35pm 3. Courier contracts are created to formalize the moving of items between locations by other players. Salivan_Harddin (Salivan Harddin) November 27, 2019, 5:31pm 289. EVE. This is on the basis that it is not exchangeable for any goods or services and cannot be traded for anything other than additional play (that is, a. Imagine if CCP ran a SKIN gacha, gamble with event tokens (and keep running those sites!) to get your cat ears Avatar SKIN. redesign, balance, game-mechanics. While we wait for CCP to maybe shorten the HyperNet chat links or/and add more ways to filter the search, here are some in-game channels: “Hypernet Hub” (probably the most popular one. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Likes received: 640. One guy put a Vanquisher up, bought 114 of 512 Nodes and walked away with the Vanquisher and 233b ISK. A much easier solution to that would have been to introduce the SkyNet, er I mean the HyperNet Relay as a Global Market Interface that covers all regions within the Eve Universe. Ikki_Phoenix (Ikki Phoenix) November 29, 2019, 7:16pm 1571. Marketplace. Hey folks, today we are going to be looking at Eve Online Hypernet relay the in game way to win/lose items implemented by CCP several months ago. EVE Information Portal. The UI often loads the wrong colour icon, check the tooltip to. However this is a terrible. The. Today we take £1,000,000,000. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. This HyperCore represents a defined quantity of Quantum Entangled 4-Helium that will be used to establish, encrypt and synchronize pairs of HyperNodes on the HyperNet Relay. 10% rake. In this vid. Scoots_Choco (Scoots Choco) November 28, 2019, 12:33am 921. A raffle is a. As the entry-level product in the Upwell Consortium's Citadel range of space stations, the Astrahus has been designed as an economical option for medium-scale operations in space, such as serving as a base of operations for a small- to medium-sized corporation, or as an outpost for larger corporations or even small alliances. EVE Information Portal Dev Blogs. Advertisement Coins. Ces frais sont à régler si l'offre aboutit (vente de tous les Hyper nœuds) et ils seront automatiquement déduits du prix. Marketplace. PyEveLiveDPS - PyEveLiveDPS (PELD) is a live DPS calculator and grapher for many combat statistics; EVE Ref - EVE Online reference site with full item database and stats. It allows players to set their own prices for the item, how many tickets to sell and the price per ticket. Ignite your EVE Online experience and buy Omega game time, PLEX to spend in-game, Skill Extractors and Daily Alpha Injectors to boost training and much more!Hypernet Tavern is a brand new Hypernet Advertising Channel. Raise your voice. E) Uninstall EVE. You see at Jita, you sell a 1 billion ISK item for 1 billion ISK. They don’t compute the actual odds of The Gamble. Players can steal and cheat all they want, but actually pulling off a proper scam. Located in Rens, it’s safe from the Jita 4-4 rush of criminals. 10% times the prize value of 5,000,000 isk is 500,000 isk. EVE Online can now be played entirely for free as an Alpha Clone! The Alpha Clone state is the default for players who are trying EVE for free or for those whose subscriptions have elapsed. HyperNet_Relay (Gallente Citizen 2115966813) November 28, 2019, 1:03am 1. Add in something as good (or better) as our current market window and all the groups and pull downs and +/- expand/collapses and all that, and the quicklist with the folders and links there. Compo. EVE Technology and Research Center. The other 3 items are simply not in my hanger. 395 votes, 74 comments. 2023, 7:39pm 1. Introducing the HyperNet Relay. Just like winning a car or other goods is still gambling. I am worried that new players who do not understand what is going on will be targeted. Yes, but that’s a different situation. With the free market release comes the Hypernet relay and a new type of spam and scam is born in Jita. Green offers aren’t even guaranteed to be a. Tech I BPOs are generally seeded on the market by NPCs in NPC stations. Adrian_Pleiadian (Adrian Pleiadian) June 18, 2021, 8:06am 1. Hi, i think is good idea made a thread about the ALTS created DAILY for promoting hypernet Oca offers, sometimes tow times in less than a minute in same system with two characters, i think can be alpha abuse botting, or exploting creating and deleting multiple toons in same omega,. Marketplace Sales Ads. Slick new wallet UI, trade improvements, and HyperNet Relay feature are now available. Let’s call E the effective price E=M×ticket_price ; let’s call V the item’s market value. We recently brought you the story of EVE Online player Stromgren who had bought almost $7,000 worth of skill injectors to become the highest-skilled character in the game overnight. the house is the player posting the hypernet. This means hyper items are always mega overpriced compared to just buying them, even before the hypernetter's profits come into play. Order item quantity of 'HyperCore' Amount of items in market orders per day and traded in whole region How to get Killrights? What do they do? I explain them here. Dev Blogs. Hypernet Relay PSA: The massively undervalued BPO is probably just a 1 run BPC. . The HyperNet Relay feature has arrived in EVE Online! It's a new trade network allowing players to trade almost any item at any time, from anywhere and by anyone. This percentage can be reduced down to 3. EVE Information Portal. All it does is reduce the sellers own earnings. Which is why your corp uses patsies to run the stations so you can base your corp in an NPC station and totally avoid being dec’d again and again anad again like you were when you. Remember that someone can buy multiple nodes so in a 512 you might get someone buying 100 nodes. I won 9 items, and, well, i was able to claim all 9 items, although i was only able to collect 6/9 of the items from the locations of the hangers. So does hypernet. No big surprise here, the HyperNet Relay is chaulked full of scammers. I want to hire a hypernet advertiser , it doesnt matter to me what you do until you get the job done, but to do this job you will need to spend about 10 hours sending messages , but since this requires very little attent…Greetings, We have just announced a new feature: HyperNet Relay that is available for testing on Singularity right now and will be deployed to live servers on December 10. SCENARIO 2: I buy all the tickets. EVE has plenty of spare ones. 75% SCAM. Introducing the HyperNet Relay.